Extensive Usage of Robot Plotter and Road Profiler on major maintenance A12 (NL)


15 februari 2023

Extensive usage of Robot Plotter and Road Profiler on major maintenance A12 (NL)

In recent weeks, in the Netherlands has been hard at work on the A12 near Utrecht.

The first of 4 weekends included the following work:

  • Nearly 10 km of milling with 3D control where the milling cutters were controlled with the Road Profiler
  • Nearly 10 km of asphalt replacement on the A12 - steering lines applied with Robot Plotter
  • Joints removed on 4 viaducts
  • Road markings applied - pre-marking with Robot Plotter.
  • Loops cut and connected.
  • Barrier replacement carried out.


No fewer than 5 Road Profilers were used simultaneously for the milling work at the high point.

The Robot Plotter was used to lay out dozens of kilometres of steering lines.