Juni 5, 2020
Robot Plotter crosses the border into Germany: Volkmann & Rossbach has the scoop
Since yesterday, the Robot Plotter is also active in Germany. Volkmann & Rossbach was the first German customer of Tyker to experience the scoop. The Robot Plotter can now be seen working in Germany in addition to the Netherlands and France. We wish Volkmann & Rossbach lots of success and fun with this acquisition!
In the photo above, Tijmen Bakker (Tyker, left in the photo) transferred the Robot Plotter to Thomas Richter (Volkmann & Rossbach, right in the photo). The first Robot Plotter in Germany is now a fact.
June 25, 2022
The Robot Plotter is at work in Switzerland
April 13, 2021
New Feature Robot Plotter: Stake Out Points)
July 10, 2020
Cooperation Tyker and Proximark / T1 Groupe Helios (Fra)
June 25, 2020
Robot Plotter at work at Stuttgart airport
June 5, 2020
Robot Plotter crosses the border into Germany: Volkmann & Rossbach has the scoop
June 3, 2020
BAM also owns a Robot Plotter
May 26, 2020
Third Robot Plotter delivered to Heijmans Infra
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